Students advocating for students.
The Associated Students of the University of Missouri
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Logan Kuykendall
He/Him | Junior
Majors: Public Administration and Policy
He currently serves as the Missouri Students Association Senate Legislative Clerk and College of Arts & Science Academic Senator; and he works as an Involvement Ambassador in the Center for Student Involvement. A fun fact about Logan is that he has been able to travel to four different continents across the world!
Vice President
Kaylie Lineback
She/Her | Sophomore
Majors: Political Science and Public Administration & Policy with a minor in Constitutional Democracy
She is also currently serving as an Academic Senator for the College of Arts & Science. She is a member of the Alpha Chi Omega and works at the Women’s Center on campus. A fun fact about Kaylie is that she also served as the 74th Youth Governor of Missouri!
Undergraduate Representative
Aisling Kerr
Majors: Finance and Economics, with a minor in Constitutional Democracy and a certificate in Investments
She is also involved with Tiger Pantry & Truman’s Closet, serving as the Logistic Director, and is heavily involved with the MU International Trade Center. One fun fact about Aisling is that she recently achieved her childhood dream of visiting Australia.
Graduate Representative
Lucas Reed
Majors: 2L JD Candidate at the Mizzou Law School
Currently a part of the Graduate Professional Council, Student Bar Association, Federalist Society and Mizzou Law Student Ambassadors. One fun fact about Lucas is that he loves music, as he grew up singing, playing trumpet, and slapping bass!
Director of Finance
Jeremi Camarena
Majors: Business administration with an emphasis on finance and banking
Jeremi R. Camarena, he/him, is studying business administration with an emphasis on finance and banking, with a minor in economics. One fun fact about Jeremi is that he loves to cook!
Director of Communications
Zoe Holley
She/Her | Senior
Majors: Political Science
She is currently involved in ASUM and the Election Engagement Team. One fun fact is that I have three cats!
Co-Director of Campus Programs
Jackson Jacobson
He/Him | Freshman
Majors: Political Science Pre-Law
He currently is an at-large senator and vice-chair of the Campus Affairs committee for Missouri Students Association, and he is also active in the Political Science Club. A fun fact about Jackson is that his favorite tv show is The West Wing.
Connor Everhart
He/Him | Junior
Majors: Economics, Business Administration: Finance, Political Science
While currently working as an A&S Peer Navigator for the Advising Department and
an Economics Tutor for the Learning Center, Connor is also an active member of the University Economics Society (UMES) and the Political Science Honors Society (PSA).
Fun fact: I have hunted for pythons in the Florida Everglades.
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