Support the Student Experience

Your Gift Matters

Read the Student Affairs Impact Report to find out how your gift can support the student experience.


Many life lessons take place outside the classroom. These learning opportunities are an essential part of the Mizzou student experience.

Our students learn leadership, communication and social skills in more than 700 student organizations and through interaction with the Student Affairs staff. They develop life skills through community service, volunteer opportunities and leadership programs. They learn problem-solving skills that give them a competitive edge in the workforce.

We are proud of what we offer our students, but we must continue to evolve to meet their ever-changing needs. There are many ways to support and enhance the Mizzou student experience. Priorities are listed below, and gifts at all levels are welcome and appreciated.

Successful students graduate prepared for personal and professional success in an ever-changing, global environment. Student Affairs staff care deeply about developing healthy, happy, and fulfilled citizens of the world. We are proud of the programs and services we offer, but we must continue to grow to meet our students’ evolving needs. Gifts to the Mizzou Student Experience Fund allow us to build on existing programs and meet needs as they arise.

Make a gift to the Mizzou Student Experience Fund

Leadership experiences help students meet their personal, academic, and professional goals. By enhancing existing programs and developing new ones, we can help more students find leadership opportunities and hone their organizational skills. Mizzou’s student leadership and service initiatives include the Chancellor’s Leadership Class, Emerging Leaders Program, Greek Life, Mizzou Leadership Academy, Alternative Break, Venture Out, and more.

The Mizzou Speakers Series connects leaders who are nationally and internationally known in their respective disciplines with our students in a compelling dialogue. The Mizzou Speakers Series helps bring to campus inspiring individuals such as poet Maya Angelou, Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer, primatologist and anthropologist Jane Goodall, and child abduction recovery advocate Elizabeth Smart. Gifts to the Mizzou Speakers Series enhance our ability to attract speakers of increasing prestige to campus.

Make a gift to the Mizzou Speakers Series

Now more than ever MU students need the support of other Tigers. With unexpected changes to class structure, living situations, regular income, technology requirements, and more, students are depending on the MU Student Emergency Fund. Funds can be accessed for emergency/temporary housing assistance, medications or costs related to emergency medical care, or emergency transportation costs related to a family death or illness, among others.

Make a gift to the MU Student Emergency Fund

Discover more ways to give to the University of Missouri.


Office of Advancement for Student Affairs

Phone: 573-882-1999