Celebrating Involvement and Leadership

Student Affairs

Disability Center Graduation

On May 1, the Disability Center hosted a graduation ceremony for spring 2024 graduates with disabilities to celebrate their identity, getting involved and taking pride in the achievements of Mizzou’s disabled community.

Fraternity and Sorority Life Honors Night

The Fraternity and Sorority Life Honors Ceremony recognizes and honors the outstanding work of the Fraternity and Sorority Community as well as our partners who closely work with our fraternities and sororities on our campus.

Council: Most Improved GPA
IFC: Sigma Chi
MGC: Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, Inc.
NPHC: Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.
PHA: Alpha Phi

Council: Top Chapter GPA
IFC: Phi Kappa Theta
MGC: Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, Inc.
NPHC: Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.
PHA: Pi Beta Phi

Community Wide: Most Improved GPA
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.

Community Wide: Top Chapter GPA
Pi Beta Phi

PHA Leadership Scholarship
Taylor Gardner and Laurel Scott

IFC Fraternal Scholar Scholarship
Chris Appel

Fraternity Leadership Scholarship
Wyatt Carlson

Service Impact Scholarship
Jacob Dofing

IFC Bond of Brotherhood Scholarship
Jacob Simpkins

Outstanding New Member Scholarship
Cole Klocke

Emerging Leader Scholarship
Sam Mossengren

Fraternity President of the Year
Justin Eddy, Alpha Gamma Rho

Sorority President of the Year
Hannah DeJonge, Delta Delta Delta

Cecil B. Keasler Fraternal Leader of the Year
Taylor Gardner, Zeta Tau Alpha

Director’s Award for Community Advocacy
The Mizzou Greek Alliance
Coach Dennis Gates
Dr. Julie Drury
Student Affairs Marketing & Communications
Julie Johnson
Leigh Ann Clayton
Jessie Johns
Caitlin Reitz
Lexi Nichols
Andy Hinkamp
Zion Black
Angelica Duarte
Emily Tena
Caroline Roche
Sarah Matusofsky
Sarah Love
Amari Celestine
Alana Hayes
Katie Cottle

Alumni of the Year
Dr. Brandon Common, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Morgan Corder, Delta Chi
Dr. Khandicia Randolph, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
Sarah Stich, Zeta Tau Alpha
Huong Truong, Alpha Phi Gamma National Sorority, Inc.

Unsung Hero
Brooke Jackson, Phi Mu

Rising Leader
Evan Gresham, Sigma Phi Epsilon

House Director of the Year
Elaine Maupai, Zeta Tau Alpha

House Corporation Officer of the Year
Jamie Triplett, Alpha Gamma Rho

Chapter Advisor of the Year
Jacque Kennedy, Zeta Tau Alpha

Excellence in Academic Programming
Delta Gamma

Excellence in Engagement
Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc.

Excellence in Member Development
Delta Delta Delta

Excellence in Health, Safety and Wellness
Alpha Phi

Excellence in Civic Engagement
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

Excellence in Philanthropy
Alpha Delta Pi

The Certificates of Excellence
Alpha Delta Pi
Alpha Phi
Chi Omega
Delta Chi
Delta Gamma
Delta Tau Delta
Delta Upsilon
Kappa Alpha Order
Kappa Alpha Theta
Phi Delta Theta
Pi Beta Phi
Sigma Chi
Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc.
Sigma Nu
Sigma Phi Delta
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Theta Chi
Zeta Tau Alpha

Chapters of Achievement
Alpha Chi Omega
Alpha Gamma Rho
Beta Theta Pi
Kappa Alpha Order
Kappa Kappa Gamma
Sigma Kappa
Sigma Nu
Sigma Phi Delta

Missouri Honors Chapters
Alpha Delta Pi
Alpha Phi
Chi Omega
Delta Chi
Delta Upsilon
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.
Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc.
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Theta Chi
Zeta Tau Alpha

Council Excellence Cup Winners
IFC: Sigma Phi Epsilon
MGC: Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc.
NPHC: Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.
PHA: Alpha Delta Pi

Inaugural Green Chapters
Alpha Chi Omega
Alpha Delta Pi
Chi Omega
Gamma Phi Beta
Kappa Delta
Phi Delta Theta
Sigma Kappa
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Sigma Tau Gamma
Zeta Tau Alpha

Lee Henson Awards

The Lee Henson Access Mizzou Awards, named after a former Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) coordinator at MU, honor students, faculty and staff who work to make the university a more inclusive place for people with disabilities.

Student Awards: Gabriela Ionita and Jia Wu
Faculty Award: Kerri McBee-Black
Staff Award: Erin Jorgensen
Group Award: Mizzou Wheelchair Basketball Camp student volunteers

MSA Annual Banquet

The MSA Annual Banquet is an opportunity for incoming officers to get inaugurated into their new positions, outgoing officers to share about their experiences, and current MSA members to be recognized for their achievements from the past year.


Platinum Liang- MSA Rising Leader Award
Nadia Gresham- MSA Rising Leader Award
Kate Karpinski- MSA Values Award
Olivia Hinkle- MSA Values Award
Dalton Lytle- Association Impact Award
Ben Baumgart- Campus Impact Award
Senate Bill 63-66 (A Resolution to Show Student Support for a Pre-Law Advisor on Campus); Author- Maddy Jenson – Outstanding Legislation Award
Senate Bill 63-57 (A Resolution to Stand In Solidarity with UMKC As They Process a Recent Event of Gun Violence); Authors- Maggie Funston, Cody Jenkins, Trey Trapani – Outstanding Legislation Award
Senate Sustainability Committee (Chair- Amy Biannuci)- Initiative of the Year
Tell Me Mizzou (Organizers- Kayla Hill, Olivia Hinkle, Miyah Jones, Tyeece Robinson)- Initiative of the Year
Don Jackson (Director, Campus Dining Services)- Administrator of the Year
Dr. Jim Spain (Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies)- Administrator of the Year
Tyeece Robinson- Executive Member of the Year
Rachel Richardson – Executive Member of the Year
Lukas Hawkins- Legislative Cabinet Member of the Year
Aidyn Gleason- Senator of the Year
Anna Sikes- Judicial Member of the Year
Lauren Marino- Auxiliary Member of the Year
Spencer James- Auxiliary Member of the Year
Remington White- First Year Council Member of the Year
Katie Jones- First Year Council Member of the Year

Housing RA Banquet

The RA Banquet celebrates the students who make Housing feel like home, and shines a light on all their effort throughout the academic year.

Bulletin Board of the Year Award: Hudson Hall

Program of the Year: McDavid Hall

Bridge Builder Award: Megan Percell

Emerging Leaders Award

Brooks/Bluford: Tyler Thomas
Center/North: Clint Schmidt
College Ave: Isaac Lewis
Defoe-Graham: Morgan Jones
Gateway: Adam Talcott
Gillett: Faith Kilman
Hatch: Tate McDaniel
HawLeWood: Kendall Williams
Hudson: John Smith
Johnston: Lana Hill
Mark Twain: Grace Knight
McDavid: Gabriella Ramirez
Schurz: Hannah Moore
South: Callie Mitchell
Values: Kaylee Gay
Wolpers: Gwen Blevins

Resident Advisor of the Year Award: Carol Compton; Center Hall

Hall Coordinator of the Year Award: Morgan Myers

Senior Leadership of the Year Award:  Dr. Erin Morrison

Spring Roar

Held at the end of the school year, Spring Roar is a culminating event that allows MizzouRec to award their most outstanding student employees. Honored students are those who have shown leadership, service, excellence, and great promise.

Emerging Leader
Jack Butchart
Kia Needham
Claire Johnson
Jordan Blew
Haylee Cassen
Anna Fairchild
Leia Brown
Cade McKinnon
Alex Shrader
Aidan Engbert
Olivia Bader

Employee of the Year
Blake Kronsbein
Denali Cook
Mary Margaret Garrett
Mario Fiame
Owen Szarka
Haile Smith
Mia Mosby
Maddy Majors
Seth Bertrand
Ryan Huseman
Abby Albano

Chester Brewer Leadership Award
John Smith

Director’s Excellence Award
Miyah Jones

Mary McKee Dedication Award
Liberty Todd

Kelly Needham Journey Award
James Lyerla

Gideon F. Rothwell Service Award
Owen Szarka

Stephanie Joseph Spirit Award
Abigail Hillman

Anton J. Stonkowski Achievement Award
Ayden Donfris

Team Mizzou Member of the Year
Sydney Cannon
Scott Schwartz

Scholarship Recipients ($1,000)
Brittany Archer
Anna Heidbrink
Cole Heinisch
Keira Hendrix
Kyla Hendrix
Sydney Johnson
Brady Lane
Caitlin Lawlor
Cameron Short
Haille Smith
Madeline Sparks
Owen Szarka
Marley Vanbebber
Olivia Vandegrife
Yi Zheng

Student Involvement Awards

Student Involvement Awards celebrate the game changers, unsung heroes and leaders of your student organizations and university programs! These awards celebrate the personal achievements of involved students on our campus through a variety of accolades.

Leadership Development Award: Mizzou Student Media

Inclusivity Development Award: Mizzou Engineering Student Council

Most Improved Group of the Year: Sustain Mizzou

MU Engage Award: Residence Halls Association

New Group of the Year: Mizzou AeroTigers

Large Group of the Year: Sustain Mizzou

Medium Group of the Year: MizzouThon

Summer Group of the Year: Summer Welcome

Outstanding Inclusivity Program of the Year: Muslim Students’ Organization’s 14th Annual Conference

Outstanding Academic/Educational Program of the Year: Student Organization for the Advancement of Research Education’s MissouriHacks

Outstanding Service/Volunteer Program of the Year: Mizzou 2’s Annual Summer Free Driving Lessons

Outstanding Collaboration Program of the Year: Muslim Students’ Organization’s 14th Annual Conference

Outstanding Social/Entertainment Program of the Year: CAPB’s Midnight BBQ

New Program of the Year: Graduation Professional Council’s Interdisciplinary Case Competition

Outstanding Community Building Program of the Year: Muslim Students’ Organization’s 14th Annual Conference

FSL Excellence Cup Award

IFC: Sigma Phi Epsilon
MGC: Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc.
NPHC: Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.
PHA: Alpha Delta Pi

First Generation Award: Johnathan Martinez

Outstanding Transfer Student of the Year: Emily Tena

Outstanding Graduate/Professional Student of the Year: Mackenzie Miller

Celebration of Achievement Award: Ugonna Kanu

Outstanding Advisor of the Year: Brad Jones

Impact Award: Cody Sallee

Selfless Service Award: Jaden Reed

CSI Values Award: Daniel Daugherty

Rising Student of the Year: Ethan Gonzalez

Student Leader of the Year: Eghosaere Olivia Ogbevoen

Sustainability Awards

Sustain Mizzou Sustainability Awards celebrate the tremendous accomplishments of people and programs that promote leadership, service, and sustainability at the University of Missouri and in our Columbia community.

Leader of the Year
Bella Kamplain
Ella Reichard

New Initiative
Davis Sallee
Sophia Sapp
Heidi Gaertner

Outstanding Impact
Kelby Virtue

Fan Favorite
George Frees
Grace O’Neil
Emma Parry
Grace Vitek

Communicator of the Year
Elizabeth McCush
Grace Raycraft

Collaborator of the Year
Aodhan Kumura
Allison Garvey
Tiger Pantry

Rising Leader
Makayla Mayhew

Lasting Legacy
Amy Bianucci
Danny Daugherty
Taylor Gardner

Lifelong Learner
Sarah Branam
Sophie Sallot

Campus Partner
Leanne Tippett Mosby
Daniel Yuhasz

Donald Jackson

Community Partner
Columbia Center for Urban Agriculture

Tiger Pantry Banquet

Tiger Pantry Banquet is a yearly opportunity to recognize and give back to students who show dedication, excellence, care and concern in their service to Tiger Pantry and Truman’s Closet throughout the year.

Most Dedicated- Josh Goldman

Most Dedicated- Jack Brueggeman

Most Dedicated- Kaylee Sukup

Service Excellence- Claire McMahon

Service Excellence- Isabel Chapman

Service Excellence- Maya Strong

Biggest Heart- Abby Botts

Biggest Heart- Praveen Perera

Biggest Heart- Michelle Woolridge

Best Attendance- Nathan Gettinger

Best Attendance- Julia Stettler

Best Attendance- Caitlyn Rochon

Best Attendance- Alexis Redfairn-Ogunyemi

Best Attendance- Gracie Schwarz