Hazing Prevention

Safety is one of our top priorities at Mizzou. That’s why we’re excited to announce access to a new hazing prevention training opportunity for the entire campus community.

Hazing Has No Place at Mizzou

The University of Missouri is dedicated to upholding an environment of respect and support. Hazing violates university policy, state law, and individual fraternity and sorority policies. You can make a confidential report through the Office of Student Accountability & Support or report anonymously by calling the national Anti-Hazing Hotline at 888-668-4293.

Hazing Prevention 101

This evidence-based course utilizes best practices in awareness and prevention of hazing. You will learn to recognize, prevent and report hazing as well as learn about constructive development activities as alternatives to hazing.

Summer sky and clouds with Memorial Union

Hazing Prevention Fraternity & Sorority Edition

This course provides scenarios and interactive content relevant to the experiences of fraternity and sorority members. Surveys gauge your learning and assess skills, attitudes and knowledge related to hazing awareness and prevention.

Summer clouds and sunshine over the columns


This video-based course addresses the risks of alcohol and hazing and follows a real-life account of a hazing death. The course will also help you recognize the signs of alcohol poisoning and when a person needs medical attention.

Campus spring. flowers

Learn more

Visit the Prevent.Zone website to learn more about how these evidence-based practices will teach you how to recognize, prevent and report hazing.