Student Affairs T.I.G.E.R.S. Learning Framework

About T.I.G.E.R.S.

Mizzou Student Affairs prioritizes student learning opportunities that foster career readiness and hands-on learning. Our approach complements academic learning through outside-the-classroom experiences to help students gain and articulate the skills and values they’ll take from their time at Mizzou. We strive to bring the Missouri Method to Student Affairs to create a unique Mizzou student experience.

Our educational priority is an overarching statement of what students will learn from engaging in Mizzou Student Affairs programs and services. Our learning goals through each letter of T.I.G.E.R.S. represent the specific learning objectives to achieve our educational priority.

Get Involved Checklist


  • Utilize our roles as educators to the greatest potential
  • Provide students the tools to articulate their learning in Student Affairs programs
  • Increase high-level collaboration within the Division
  • Communicate our impact to students and campus, and across institutions
  • Measure program learning outcomes and goals
Students at the columns

Educational Priority

As a result of engaging with Student Affairs at Mizzou, all students will learn and develop into responsible T.I.G.E.R.S. in and beyond our community.

Mizzou students are...


  • Demonstrating care and empathy while communicating with others.
  • Considering the impact of their actions on their communities and beyond.
  • Acquiring, applying, and creating knowledge to address and solve problems.
  • Being curious about others and the world via actively listening and purposefully reflecting.


  • Seeking out and engaging with others who are different from themselves through humility, collaboration, and teamwork.
  • Learning to build community and belonging for all their peers.
  • Showing respect for one another and valuing peers’ ideas and contributions to the Mizzou community.
  • Challenging the status quo to create inclusive experiences.


  • Ethically engaging with others through service and transforming themselves and their communities.
  • Sharing their knowledge, time, talent, ideas, and resources with their communities and beyond.
  • Pursuing solutions to issues within their communities and beyond through active citizenship.


  • Taking responsibility for their actions.
  • Creating ambitious but realistic goals for themselves and their peers and engaging in evaluation, and adjustments to meet their goals.
  • Advocating for themselves and their communities in constructive ways.


  • Managing conflict and navigating challenges with civility.
  • Prioritizing and managing their health and well-being.
  • Navigating changes and growing despite adversity.
  • Seeking support and developing coping skills.


  • Reflecting on and identifying their health and well-being needs.
  • Developing their values and identities.
  • Making personal and career-based decisions that align with their values and identity.
  • Being aware of their own emotions, expressing them in healthy ways, and understanding how their emotions may impact others.

Get Involved Checklist

How will students start to interact with T.I.G.E.R.S. learning? The Get Involved Checklist! Through MU Engage, select programs are tagged for each component. First-year students can review the checklist on their MU Engage dashboard, and RSVP to programs and experiences they’d like to attend or complete. When students check into that program, it will automatically mark if off on their checklist, creating a streamlined way to get involved.

Start Your Get Involved Checklist