Parental Notification

Dear parents and legal guardians, 

At the University of Missouri, we are committed to the success of our students both inside and outside the classroom. It is our goal to maximize our students’ learning and development and promote their health, safety and welfare. Consistent with this commitment, the University of Missouri has adopted the following “Parental Notification Policy” (CRR 180.025) based on the premise that the university, students, and parents or legal guardians are partners in the creation of our campus environment. 

There are three major components to this policy:  

First, as the parent or legal guardian of your student, you may be the person with whom they will discuss the use of alcohol and/or controlled substances. The module at the bottom of this page includes materials for your review to help you facilitate this discussion. We encourage you to have ongoing conversations  with your student about potential decisions related to the use of alcohol or controlled substances. During these conversations, please remind your student that alcohol and drug violations could jeopardize their status as a student at the University of Missouri. 

Second, if your student is under the age of 21, and has been found to have violated the University of Missouri Standard of Conduct regarding alcohol or controlled substances, university officials may notify you, as permitted by federal privacy law. If you decide that you do not wish to be notified of student conduct violations under this policy, please indicate your preference at the end of the module. If you change your mind regarding notification, or if your address or phone number changes, you will need to contact us and provide the current information. 

Finally, the University of Missouri requires all first-year students to complete an online survey called The Year One College Behavior Profile (Y1CBP). This survey is a quick and confidential way for students to get personalized feedback on their alcohol and marijuana use. We hope this feedback will lead to your student’s success both here at Mizzou and after graduation. Your student received an email containing registration information on how to take the Y1CBP. This survey is mandatory, so please encourage your student to complete the training. 

You have our assurance that alcohol and substance abuse education is an important component of our student support programs at the University of Missouri. The following module and Parental Notification Policy are designed to assist you in your role as a parent or legal guardian. I encourage you to review it carefully. Should you have questions, please feel free to contact me by calling 573-882-5397. 

Click here to begin the module. 


Michelle Mazza Froese, PhD
Interim Dean of Students 

Division of Student Affairs