Speak up

Survey Kickoff Week 2025

Your Voice Matters

Survey invitations will be sent to students’ MU email addresses starting Feb. 24. You will be asked to complete one of three surveys, focusing on sense of belonging on campus, mental health concerns, overall wellness and more.

1 week. 3 surveys.

Survey invitations will be sent to students’ MU email addresses starting Feb. 24. You will be asked to complete one of three surveys, focusing on sense of belonging on campus, mental health concerns, overall wellness and more.

Student Experience Survey (SES)

The Student Experience Survey asks about your overall experience, from food and housing insecurity to sense of belonging and engagement in activities, organizations and campus employment.

Students playing basketball.

Missouri Assessment of College Health Behaviors (MACHB) Study

The MACHB is a research study that asks about a range of issues — including alcohol and substance use, mental health and bystander behaviors.

Staff members peaking about wellness.

National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE)

The National Survey of Student Engagement collects information about how you spend your time and what you gain from attending college.

Student riding a bike.

Real input. Real impact.

When you engage in surveys, we listen. The feedback you give us during Survey Week Kickoff tells us what you need and want, resulting in positive changes all throughout campus. Here are a few changes that resulted from student feedback from previous surveys.


Through your survey responses, you can have a real impact on the Mizzou student experience.

Participants from each survey will be eligible to win prizes, including Tiger Cash, GrubHub Cash, Mizzou baseball and basketball tickets, Memorial Union tours or Amazon gift cards, depending on the survey. 

Mizzou sweaters in store.


On Feb. 24, check your university email for your invitation to participate. That email will contain a link to your survey.

Each student is randomly assigned one of three different surveys, so you only have to complete one. This saves you time and gives us a wide selection of responses.

Yes! Based on student input in the past, the Counseling Center added new group therapy options. The Disability Center launched a peer mentoring program. The Care Team’s closet was created and assists students with a variety of needs, including buddy packs, toiletries, etc. These are just a few recent examples.